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Number of informative texts about the Garden and its collections are available from this website, info-plates in the Garden and in publications, e.g. guides and booklets available in the Exhibition pavilion, the kiosk at the Main entrance and the Head office. We are currently preparing field guides for specific collections, for instance the succulents, carnivorous plants, trees, Croatian flora etc.

“Pocket Guide to the Botanical Garden” published in 2002 contains nuggets of useful information and colourful photos, a map of the Garden and a small botanical glossary. It is available in English.

“Fifty sights at the botanical garden”: for passers-by, strollers and real enthusiasts’ is the fifth, fully revised edition of the Guide to the Botanical Garden. Since people’s interests and lifestyles change over time, this latest edition of the Guide has been adjusted to meet the needs of 21st century visitors with limited and, therefore, much valued leisure time; people who cannot stay in one place for too long because they are always in a hurry, yet people who love nature, plants and gardens. In this Guide, we will describe three different tours through the Garden intended for three different types of visitors. Authors are the Gardens collection curators. Available in Croatian and
From the perface
If, for example, you are just passing by while waiting to change trains at the nearby Central Railway Station and have only about 45 minutes to spend at the Garden, take the Red Path – The Path for the Passers-by. By taking a more energetic walk and following the Red Path marks, you will have enough time to walk through the Botanical Garden and see about fifteen of its most significant sights. You can read about the rest on the train!
If, on the other hand, you have an hour or two to spend at the Garden, take the Blue Path – The Path for the Strollers. By following the Blue Path, you will have a chance to see the wider area of the Garden and about thirty interesting sights.
Finally, if you have an entire morning or you wish to spend a pleasant afternoon at the Garden, take the Green Path – The Path for the Real Enthusiasts, also the longest path through the Garden. By following the Green Path, you will be able to see all the important sights of the Garden: collections of the indigenous Croatian flora, beds of ornamental plants, valuable tree specimens and interesting buildings, as well as visit the exhibition in our exhibition pavilion. You will also have time to take a break and rest on a bench in the shade, stop to enjoy the singing of the birds, exchange a few words with the employees or other visitors, and browse through our souvenirs.

“Thirty statutorily protected plants of Croatian flora in cultivation in the Botanical garden of Faculty of Science” [in Croatian only] is a booklet on Croatian plants we grow in the Garden, mostly endemic and endangered species. Author is dr. Sanja Kovačić, senior collection curator.

“Botanički vrt Prirodoslovno-matematičkog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu” je monografija objavljena o stotoj obljetnici utemeljenja Vrta. Autorica knjige je dr. Ljerka Regula-Bevilacqua, bivša upraviteljica Vrta. Knjiga je dostupna u knjižarama.

“Exhibition pavilion of the Botanical Garden” [in Croatian] is a monograph booklet depicting the long history and the conservation project of the beautiful pavilion building. Authors of the monograph are conservation architect Mladen Perušić and MSc Biserka Juretić, the Garden manager.

“Flora Medvednice”/ “Flora of the Medvednica mountain” [in Croatian] is a small field botanical guide through the flora of Zagreb’s favorite big hill, but also other mountains in the northern Croatia. The book shows 250 most common plant species, their characteristics and interesting facts, arranged by flower colour. Authors are Dr. Sanja Kovačić, senior collection curator and i prof. Toni Nikolić. Available in bookshops.

“Flora jadranske obale i otoka”/ “Flora of Adriatic coast and islands” [in Croatian] is a small field botanical guide through the flora of Croatian coast and islands, describing to the amateur botanist the most important Mediterranean plant species. 250 most common species are grouped by flower colour. Written by a group of authors, with three botanists from the Garden. Available in bookshops.Knjiga je dostupna u knjižarama.

To remember your visit you can buy a souvenir from our modest offer from a small cone for couple of kunas or a postcard with the Garden motifs to stationary, T-shirts and canvas bags.