Exhibitions, lectures & manifestations
For presenting our work and popularization of all scientific disciplines involving plants, we are organizing botanical exhibitions, chiefly intended for elementary school pupils. Small exhibitions are regularly set up since 2008, when the exhibition pavilion was restored – being to date the only adequate space for educational purposes and other events (previous exhibitions were placed in the open or in the greenhouses).
2008. Velebit degenia – Croatian flora symbol. Exhibition on Croatian most famous endemic plant species, Degenia velebitica, and the licensed ex situ endemic plants cultivation program.
2008. Bonsai. We hosted a small exhibition of bonsai trees and explained techniques of this ancient discipline, belonging to Bonsai club Zagreb.
2008/9. Deus creavit, Linnaeus disposuit! Life and work of Carl Linnaeus and his apostles. The importance of one of the greatest botanists and his disciples was presented on the 300th anniversary of Linne’s birth.
2008/9. The leaf. Exhibition on important plant organ: roles, morphology and anatomy.
2008/9. Prints: finger, paw, leaf… Exhibition commemorating 150th birthday of Ivan Vučetić – fingerprinting classification method inventor.
2009. 120 years of Botanical garden. Exhibition on 120 years of continuous work of our Garden.
2010. Botanic gardens and arboreta in Croatia – living plant collections guardians. History and work of botanic collections in Croatia was presented in collaboration with colleges from many institutional gardens and arboreta. 2011. Wondrous forest. Exhibition on forest ecosystems and their importance for Earth, on the occasion of the International year of forests.
2012. Spring in the fantastic forest. The spring version on previous exhibition, with accent on spring flowers cultivated in the Garden.
2013. Cool NATURA – Croatian piece in European puzzle. Exhibition on the onset of the NATURA 2000 program, in collaboration with the Croatian agency for environment and nature.
2014/5. The flora garden – photos of the Garden from its foundation to Second world war. Life and work in the Garden from 1889 to 1939.
2016./7. Carnivorous plants attack! Exhibition on carnivorous plants, their modifications, physiology and ecology. Original photos and posters by carnivorous plant specialist and collaborator William Teocchi.
2017. ‘Botanical illustration’. Art colony and exhibition of plant illustrations, with lecture of distinguished Austrian-German botanist, Prof. W. Lack.
Exhibition ‘ The flora garden – photos of the Garden from its foundation to Second world war ‘, 2014/5
In the exhibition pavilion we also organize lectures, workshops and book presentations with different topics concerning the Garden, botany, horticulture etc. Lectures are open to public and usually organized on specific dates like the Planet Earth day, International day for biological diversity, Lower Zagreb town day, Croatian botanic gardens week and Floraart plant show. Lectures, workshops and events are usually covered in tv and radio shows, as well as newspapers and magazines. Occasionally we host professional meetings, symposiums and workshops of different societies and sections acting in field of biology and other life sciences, in some way involved in the Garden’s activities, e.g. Croatian botanical society meetings, regional school teachers meetings, IUCN expert workshops etc.
Lectures and workshops are held during the season, but mostly within manifestations, such as ‘The Week of botanic gardens, arboreta and botanic collections in Croatia’ (WBGAC), which is held throughout Croatia since 2011. This manifestation is organized by The section of botanic gardens, arboreta and botanic collections of CROATIAN BOTANICAL SOCIETY . The main goal of this manifestation is to present our botanic collections to the public, to raise public awareness and collections owners about the state of the collections, popularization of botany and other professions regarding plants, biological diversity and environment conservation etc. Each year more gardens are participating in the Week, attracting great attention of national media. Thanks to enthusiasm and efforts of individuals in charge of their gardens, several will be restored with the help of EU funds. More information about the Week is available from the article by dr. Sanja Kovačić (Hrvatski botanicki vrtovi.pdf, Prvi TBVAH.pdf).